The Sydney Royal Easter Show



2011 – Business Development, Rebranding & Marketing

2012 – Business Development

2013 – Business Development

Services provided.

2011: Rebrand and marketing event

– Managed identification of every sign requirement across the site – over 1000 locations – including location, fit, substrate, finish and database capture, managed team of contractors to measure and report on installation, derig, cleaning and storage system

– Managed advertising sales for the printed Easter Show Guide – a 44pp national insert, content writing for a series of 10 sets of sales collateral

– Identified potential corporates to purchase tickets in large volumes as part of pre-sales activity


2011, 2012, 2013: Business Development

  • Managed signage rebrand project for pavilions
  • Design of 1000+ new signs
  • Production managed print production
  • Operational installation of sitewide signage and branding program
  • Develop strategy, media buy and roll out consumer and group pre-sales marketing i
  • Direct mail, poster, redevelopment, content and deploy subscriber html emails, promotions, competitions, advertising, promotional items and digital content, research and implement CBD promotional campaign “The Doll Stroll”.
  • Design overhaul and content edit for prospectus to attract new quality commercial exhibitors
  • Edit and overhaul of operational guidelines for site
  • New sales materials for ten commercial pavilions, Sydney Royal and Sydney Showground
  • Re-write and redesign advertising prospectus
  • Sold advertising in two Official Guides to corporate advertisers
  • Wrote Tourism NSW Award for Major Event or Festival 2012 – Winner, Australia’s Favourite Event

Let’s work together.