Get set up and ready to go on Reddit.

Step 1: Choose how you’d like to register

You can kick off account registration one of three ways:

  • If you have an existing Reddit account and would like to run ads from this username, you can sign up your existing account for Reddit Ads.
    Note: Karma won’t affect your ad performance.
    Note: If your Reddit account is set to Not Safe For Work (NSFW), you’ll need to change your account to SFW before you can advertise.
  • Sign up with an existing Google account.
  • If you’ve never used Reddit before and need an account, or you want to create a separate advertising username from your personal account, you can do that directly from


Step 2: Enter company details & sign up

Now let’s get you into to your Ads Manager:

  1. Go to Reddit Ads
    Note: If you want to register your existing Reddit username for an ads account, make sure you’re logged in to this username on Reddit before opening That way, your existing account info will pull into the registration form, and you can skip ahead to step 4. If you’re not signed in to the username you want to register for Reddit Ads, you can also select Log In at the bottom of
  2. Enter your email
    Note: We’ll use this email to send you important notifications about your Ads account. You’ll also need to verify this email address before running any ads.
  3. Enter a company username
    Important: Unless you’ve signed up via Google or Apple SSO, you won’t be able to edit your username after you create it. All users will be able to see it, and it will appear on the ads you create.
    Some tips:
    • A username needs to be 3-20 characters long and can only contain letters A-Z and numbers 0-9.
    • Username already taken? Try adding the word “official” or an underscore (SmithsBooksOfficial or Smiths_Books).
    • If your brand has a trademarked name that’s already claimed, please submit our Trademark Violation Form and we’ll look into it.
  4. If you’re creating a new Reddit Ads account, enter a secure password.
    Note: For additional security, you can enable two-factor authentication (2FA) after you sign up.
  5. Enter your first and last name.
  6. Enter a legal business name.
    Note: This is the name that will appear on your Reddit Ads Receipt.
  7. Enter your business website (optional).
  8. If you work with or at an advertising agency, select I work with or at an advertising agency.
  9. Select the industry that best describes your business.
  10. Select the country where you’re located, and the currency you’d like to use to pay for your ads.
    Note: Reddit Ads currently supports USD, AUD, CAD, EUR, GBP, and NZD. Currency for your ad account cannot be changed.
  11. Enter your business phone number and select if you’d like to receive calls from Reddit to get help managing your account and to hear about news and opportunities. Note: you can always request to have your phone number removed at any time by submitting a ticket to our support team here, and selecting ‘Account Issues’ as the case reason. 
  12. Select Finish.

Now you can access your Reddit Ads Manager anytime, and you’re ready to prep your account for your first campaign.

How to add users to your account:

  1. Log in to Reddit Ads
  2. Open the drop down menu in the top left corner
  3. Select Members
  4. Enter the email address of the Reddit account you want to add
    Note: Make sure there are no extra characters or spaces before or after the email address.
  5. Choose the permission level for the person you’re inviting:
    Analyst: Can view and download performance metrics from your dashboard. They can’t edit or create campaigns or creatives.
    Creator: Can edit, create, and pause both campaigns and creatives.
    Administrator: Can edit, create, and pause both campaigns and creatives; they can also update billing information, as well as view and edit user permissions.
  6. Select Invite
    Note: Only the account owner and users with administrator permissions can invite new contributors.

The email addresses of the people you invite will show up below, with an “Invitation Sent” status until they accept your invitation.

Note: If you need to edit someone’s permissions after sending an invite, select Edit in top of the table and choose a new permission level.


Access a Reddit Ads account you’ve been invited to:

When a user invites you to join their account, you’ll get an email notification asking you to accept their invitation. Follow the instructions in that email.

How to access the account:

  • Log in to Reddit Ads
  • Select your username in the top right corner
  • Select the ad account from the drop down menu, which shows your recently accessed accounts, or select it from the Account page after clicking View all accounts & invitations.

​​​​New users, once you sign up please follow the below steps:

  • Select Verify Email beneath Ads on the top left corner of the screen
  • You’ll be redirected to another page where you need to enter your password and click on send verification email button
  • Check your email inbox for email with subject “Verify your Reddit email address”
  • Select Verify Email Address
  • Refresh the existing Ads account page or sign in to your ads account in a new tab
  • Select your username in the top right corner and click on “View all accounts & invitations”
  • Select Pending invitations, then accept or reject the invitation on the top right corner of your screen.

Add a card

Here’s how to add a card to your Reddit Ads account:

  1. Log in to Reddit Ads
  2. Open the dropdown menu in the upper-left corner
  3. Select Billing
  4. Enter your credit or debit card information
  5. Select Save

Note: The first time you add a new credit card as a payment method, the card will be charged a temporary verification authorization amount.

Learn more about how and when you’ll be charged for running ads.


How to update your payment method:

  1. Log in to Reddit Ads
  2. Open the dropdown menu in the upper-left corner
  3. Select Billing
  4. Select the edit (pencil) icon in the Payment Method box.
  5. Enter the new card’s information
  6. Select Save


How to remove your payment method:

  1. Log in to Reddit Ads
  2. Open the dropdown menu in the upper-left corner
  3. Select Billing
  4. Select the remove (trash can) icon in the Payment Method box
  5. Confirm you want to delete the payment method
    Note: If you remove your payment method, you won’t be able to run ads until you’ve added a new card.

Generate your Reddit pixel

  1. Log in to Reddit Ads
  2. Select Dashboard in the top-left corner
  3. Select Events Manager from the drop-down menu
  4. Select Set Up Reddit Pixel
  5. Choose Install on your website
  6. Select the advanced matching parameters you want to pass, then select Next. Learn more about advanced matching.
  7. You’ll see your account-specific snippet of JavaScript. Select Copy to clipboard, or download the code as a TXT file


Add the base code to your website 

  1. Go to your ad’s landing page from the back end of your site
  2. Paste the code between the <head></head> tags of that page
  3. Repeat this step for any other pages you want to track conversions on


Step 3: Install event tracking 
By default, the Reddit Pixel base code will register a ‘PageVisit’ event when it is triggered. To track other events/actions that happen on your website, add event tracking on the page between <script></script> tags where specific events occur.


Replace ‘EventName’ in the code with any event you’d like to track:

rdt('track', 'EventName');


Standard conversion events you can track:

Event nameDescriptionCode


User lands on your landing page (default event)

rdt(‘track’, ‘PageVisit’);


User lands on a specific webpage, like a product page

rdt(‘track’, ‘ViewContent’);


User performs a search query

rdt(‘track’, ‘Search’);


User adds a product to the shopping cart

rdt(‘track’, ‘AddToCart’);


User adds a product to a wishlist

rdt(‘track’, ‘AddToWishlist’);


User completes the purchase

rdt(‘track’, ‘Purchase’);


User submits information expressing interest in the advertised product/offer

rdt(‘track’, ‘Lead’);


User completes a registration or sign up form 

rdt(‘track’, ‘SignUp’);

Custom (Beta)

Additional user actions outside of the predefined standard events

rdt(‘track’, ‘Custom’, {customEventName:’YOUR CUSTOM EVENT HERE’});


Click here for more info on installing tracking codes.

Click here for more info on configuring tracking codes with Google Tag Manager.

Let’s work together.